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Shifting Priorities

It's time to set our priorities straight! Our nation doesn't need revival, our churches do. Discover how changing our priorities can spark the revival we desperately need.

Unlocking God’s Blessing

Are we lighting useless fires in our churches? Discover how to open heaven's doors and God's blessing through genuine honor and devotion.

Remove The Disgrace

Christianity isn't about feeling good or being comfortable. It’s about putting God and His kingdom first, just as Jesus did. Discover how to restore God's honor and overcome the humanism creeping into our faith.

How To Be Wholehearted

Transform your life by turning a faraway God into a near God. Discover how Caleb’s wholehearted faith changed his destiny and how it can do the same for you.

Praying With Honor

Unlock the power of prayer by honoring God first. Discover how changing your approach to prayer can change your life.

True Value Brings Honor

"Your future is predicted by what you value." What you value today shapes your tomorrow. Learn how aligning your value system with God's can transform your life.

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