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What Have I Become?

Discover the three things you must have, and what you must become and do to survive and thrive in today's world.

Discerning Spiritual Truths

As believers, we should be moved by the Spirit, not by manipulation. We need to discern the hearts of people and be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Embracing Jesus in Chaos

Our goal is not just to hang on in this world, but to press on and live life to the fullest measure that Jesus offers.

Rethinking the Rapture with J.D. King

The idea of being "left behind" in the rapture can be unsettling, but a closer look at the scriptures reveals a different perspective.

The Rich Fool

Being poor does not make you spiritual, and being rich does not make you spiritual. It's not about the riches, but about being rich towards God.

The False Good News

Is your understanding of the good news merely a heaven-or-hell ultimatum?

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