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Choose Your Kingdom

Are you in the right kingdom? Discover the tale of two kingdoms and how to choose the right one.

Why Have Faith? – Part 2

Faith in God is not just a belief, it's a lifestyle. Discover how having faith in God can impact and transform your life and help you overcome all life's challenges.

Why Have Faith? – Part 1

The world is on the brink of change. With conflicts, economic instability, and social issues, it's time to have faith in God. Remember, without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Learn how to stretch your faith and trust in God's plan.

Adopted by God

America is sick, but there is a cure. Discover the transformative power of God's DNA and how it can bring healing and fulfillment to your life.

Igniting Personal Revival

If you want to be ready for anything and navigate the challenges of a changing world, you need personal revival. It's time to experience the power and presence of God in a new way.

To Catch A Thief

Have you ever felt robbed in life? Like your hopes, dreams, and opportunities have been stolen from you? It's possible that the thief has been operating in your life, but it's time to turn things around and start living a life of abundance.

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