Ignite Your Faith
In times of political and social change, the church has a role to play. It's about intertwining spirituality with societal movements. Are you ready to step into your role in history?
In times of political and social change, the church has a role to play. It's about intertwining spirituality with societal movements. Are you ready to step into your role in history?
Real church isn't about staying the same. Discover the importance of authentic faith and why it matters more than tradition.
Spiritual warfare is often understood on an individual level, but Ephesians 6:12 reveals it's "for our struggle"—a collective battle. We're stronger together against the dark powers.
Gideon faced incredible odds with just 300 men. Are you ready to redefine your faith and embrace a new purpose?
Our weapons are spiritual weapons that change the heart and minds of people. Discover the current war we're in and how you can fight it.
Our goal is not just to hang on in this world, but to press on and live life to the fullest measure that Jesus offers.