Ignite Your Faith
In times of political and social change, the church has a role to play. It's about intertwining spirituality with societal movements. Are you ready to step into your role in history?
In times of political and social change, the church has a role to play. It's about intertwining spirituality with societal movements. Are you ready to step into your role in history?
Real church isn't about staying the same. Discover the importance of authentic faith and why it matters more than tradition.
Spiritual warfare is often understood on an individual level, but Ephesians 6:12 reveals it's "for our struggle"—a collective battle. We're stronger together against the dark powers.
Gideon faced incredible odds with just 300 men. Are you ready to redefine your faith and embrace a new purpose?
Waiting for a sign to step into your purpose? God may already be calling you where you are. See how accepting your God-given identity can transform your life.
Empowerment begins with understanding the strengths you already hold. Gideon's victory wasn't about acquiring new skills but using what he had.
“Faith is an answer to your anxiety." Explore the power of walking by faith and how it could be crucial for our national security and prosperity.
Do you tithe? Tithing isn't about rules; it's about blessings. Explore why tithing is still valid for believers today, and what that means for you.
Unlock the power of shrewdness in your life. Dive into the parable of the shrewd manager and discover valuable lessons for personal and professional growth.
Don't let inflation and high car prices leave you upside down on your payments. Learn how to buy a car wisely and stay financially prosperous.