Join me as we journey through an exploration of wisdom, leadership, and resilience. First, I share my personal journey towards deepening my faith and finding my purpose, drawing inspiration from the great Winston Churchill. As I recount my own experiences, I strive to act as a spiritual father, sharing insights that are as practical as they are spiritual. I hope to provide guidance and encouragement to listeners in their faith journeys, and also to inform you about my upcoming books.

The conversation continues as we dive into the historical era of Winston Churchill’s leadership during World War II. This part of the episode shines a light on the courage, resilience, and strategic thinking of Churchill in the face of adversity. Through the lens of history, we look at how his firm stand and indomitable spirit guided Britain through the stormy times of war. This is a remarkable lesson in faith and leadership, told through the prism of world history.

Lastly, we examine the current state of the nation, touching on issues like inflation, housing market fluctuations, and the impact of these on the economy. Drawing from both my personal experiences and the wisdom of God, I provide guidance on how we can navigate these uncertain times. And, in keeping with our faith-focused theme, I share how supporting causes can be a powerful expression of our faith, and how your support can make a tangible difference in the world.



Key Takeaways:

  • Seek out spiritual fathers who can provide guidance and wisdom in your life.
  • Words have the power to guide and inspire a nation, just like Winston Churchill’s speeches during World War II.
  • Prepare yourself spiritually to face the challenges of the present times and bring God into your life.
  • Choose political candidates who prioritize the safety and well-being of the nation.



Where to dive in:

0:01:46     Need for real fathers in the faith and the purpose of the podcast

0:03:02     Intention behind the podcast and the importance of having a spiritual father

0:04:02     Winston Churchill as a hero and his role in saving Great Britain and Europe

0:05:19     Personal connection to the war and admiration for Winston Churchill

0:06:24     Winston Churchill’s prophetic warnings about the Nazis

0:08:21     Churchill’s leadership during the war and his powerful words

0:09:53     Comparison of Great Britain’s resistance to France’s surrender

0:11:39     The Battle of Britain and the power of Winston Churchill’s words

0:13:15     Reflection on Winston Churchill’s impact and the importance of words

0:13:53     Introduction to the current situation in the nation

0:14:29     Discussing the financial stress and rising costs in the country

0:15:56     Encouraging a positive mindset towards financial goals

0:18:13     Highlighting the importance of energy independence and potential threats

0:19:41     Addressing the potential impact of global events on everyday life

0:20:45     Warning about the plans of other nations to undermine the US dollar

0:21:35     Importance of voting for candidates who prioritize safety and production

0:23:19     Urging for a spiritual revival and the inclusion of God in daily life

0:24:50     Encouraging parents & grandparents to guide younger generations towards faith

0:25:22     Expressing confidence in the God advantage and the belief in victory


About the host: 

Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church  KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and  was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, and My Absurd Religion.

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