Remember those butterflies in your stomach when you feel a powerful calling? That’s what our guest Frank Seamster experienced when he was called to preach. Fast forward to adulthood and the call was too potent to ignore. This episode invites you into our heartfelt conversation with Frank, where we delve into the profound impact of faith in our day-to-day life, reflecting on how choosing to walk with God can infuse an incredible sense of safety and stability into every facet of existence, from personal to professional.  


As we journey through this episode, we take a nostalgic detour through our family ministry since 1985,  demonstrating the abundant blessings that come with keeping God at the center. We discuss the critical role we play in setting a guiding example to our families, creating a lasting spiritual legacy.


We also confront the internal battles that we all face, unpacking how faith offers the hope of victory, not just in the future but right in the present moment. Unveiling the power of faith to overcome adversities and the tactics to ward off negative thoughts, this episode is an awe-inspiring voyage through the labyrinth of life. Share this journey with us as we equip you with practical tools from our personal experiences to redefine and enhance your faith. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • Ministry is not limited to the pulpit; it can be found in our everyday interactions with others.
  • The greatest ministry is often found in our relationships with family and loved ones.
  • Faith is essential for pleasing God and experiencing His blessings.
  • Negative thoughts and influences can be overcome by training our senses to discern good from evil.
  • Embracing a life of faith brings joy, blessings, and a closer relationship with God. 



Where to dive in:

0:01:10          Steve Gray’s background and desire for God 

0:04:12          Importance of ministry within the family 

0:07:33          Advice on incorporating God into daily life 

0:10:27          The greatest ministry is outside of the pulpit 

0:12:59          Impact of planting seeds in family members’ lives 

0:15:13          Recognizing and overcoming negative thoughts and influences 

0:17:20         Bringing heaven down to earth through faith 

0:19:04         Battle between good and evil in the world 

0:23:11         Training our senses to discern good and evil 



About the host: 

Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church  KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and  was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, and My Absurd Religion.


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**0:00:00** – (Steve Gray): You don’t want to miss today’s podcast, part two, with my special friend, Frank Seamster as we talk about what’s the number one ingredient to give you success.

**0:00:10** – (Steve Gray): You were made for more than the status quo. I’m Pastor Steve Gray, and this is the More Faith, More Life Podcast. This podcast is for Christians with an ambitious heart who want to be more for their family, do more with their career, and see more of God’s promises in their life. I’ve spent many years as a worship, artist, minister, nonprofit leader, bold, truth speaker, and most importantly, father and spouse.

**0:00:36** – (Steve Gray): When I was in my early forty s, I was craving more. More from God and more from life. I’d done everything I was supposed to do. My life was good, but it wasn’t good enough. So I spent the following years diving into the word of God and searching for the biblical principles that would bring me closer to God and help my purpose and life flourish. That’s what I want to share with you. In every episode you’ll get practical tools based on real life experiences that you can put into action to redefine your faith and ultimately your life.

**0:01:10** – (Steve Gray): So if you’re ready to do more, subscribe to More Faith, More Life and hear an unfiltered biblical truth every week, it’s time to be and experience more.

**0:01:23** – (Steve Gray): If you gotten my book, My Absurd Religion, by which I make my living, you need to get it. It’s going to help you understand a whole lot of things about the world and what’s happening today, especially in the church world. Go to the website More Faith, More Life and download the ebook with the study guide. Hello everyone and welcome to More Faith, More Life. I have my guest, Frank Seamster with me again.

**0:01:46** – (Steve Gray): This is our second podcast together, the last one you want to get because we backed up to some of the things in his life that God did with him, for him, to him, through him, to get him into the place where he wanted to go in the ministry. And that doesn’t mean he wanted to his whole life. I never even thought about it in mind much. I never thought about going in the ministry other than Frank. When I was six, as the first time I said I’ve been called to preach at six years old, but I never said it again. I was at the altar in Nazarene church and I said I’ve been called there. I was crying my eyes.

**0:02:20** – (Steve Gray): I’ve been called to preach. But then I never mentioned it and nobody else did either. I think maybe if I had somebody nurture me, I could have got more training. Then I’m gone through all kinds of worldly stuff and played in bars and all that kind of stuff. But when I’m 23, then I get touched by God again. I give my life to Jesus and without even thinking, out of my mouth came the words I’ve been called to preach. And then I went, that’s the first time I’ve said it since I was six years old.

**0:02:46** – (Frank Seamster): The seed was planted.

**0:02:47** – (Steve Gray): Yeah. And so you never know, people listening right now. We talk about more faith. He’s our guest. And I’m talking, but you got a seed in you. I don’t know anybody that isn’t called by God. Everybody’s being called right now. God’s calling your name, every single one of you. Maybe different things, different timing, different talents. But I’ve had young guys come up and gals and say, pray for me, I got a calling on my life. And I disappoint them by saying, who doesn’t?

**0:03:17** – (Steve Gray): I don’t know anybody that’s not getting called by God, right? So anyway, we want to help you get your life on track. We want to help you decide that serving God is the right decision. You may have seen religious people that disappointed you, or you don’t want to be weird or you want to lose fun. It’s the right decision to keep you safe, keep your relationship safe. If you’re going to have children or have children, it keeps them safe.

**0:03:43** – (Steve Gray): It’s just the right way to go. You don’t want to go through life without a connection to God, whether on any level, health, finances, relationships, all those things. And so we’d encourage you just in the decisions that we made. You don’t have to make the exact same decisions, but make a decision to serve the Lord and get involved with the kingdom of God. So anyway, we talked a little bit last time about your background in the military.

**0:04:12** – (Steve Gray): You were smart. He’s in the military, the Vietnam wars going on, and God puts him in a singing group. Really rough, really. But I can’t say anything because what’s the letter? What’s the I was one A, ready to be drafted at the war, too. And back then they had the lottery. I don’t know if you did, but they draw a number, and every county had to fill that number, our county. I didn’t know at the time, but my number was like 112, I think. And so I thought 112, my birthday was pulled. 112th.

**0:04:52** – (Steve Gray): 112. Okay. So they got to get 112 guys and get to me. But I said, that’s not that many, though, is it? 100. I was painting a room with my brother, my mother’s living room, and my brother didn’t like to paint. And I remember he’s not painting much, and I’m saying, get to painting. But then you could tune in the radio and they’d read number one, and they’d read off somebody’s birthday number two. And they’re going to go through 365 because that’s how many days.

**0:05:18** – (Steve Gray): And finally they call mine at 112 is my birthday in May. Okay, maybe I’m all right, maybe not, but I’m one A, I’m going I mean, I’m going right to war. Well, I had one thing, too. You may have gone the singing quartet, but I cheated a little bit too. I was in reserve officers training too to help put me through college. But I did the same thing, I joined the band. So all I did was march. But anyway, the miracle of it was then we went through and then suddenly I got a letter I’m backwards. I was 113, that’s what it was.

**0:05:53** – (Steve Gray): And I got a letter that said we fulfilled Pettis County’s quota at 112. Wow. And that’s also now they put me into F three or whatever, I don’t know what I can’t remember anymore. So I went to another level. But I only played in the band, in the ROTC anyway, but I didn’t get drafted. But anyway we talked about that and how that route your dad is a pastor, right. You got to know that got in there and we laughed a little bit. That doesn’t necessarily mean you want to be one because you see a different side of the church in life and the quartet and then God meeting you when you were in business, right?

**0:06:30** – (Steve Gray): And that was it for you. And then the journey begins and so there could be people listening right now. That’s the way it is. But we have other people, they’re never going to go in the full time ministry. You did? I did. We love people that do, but we love people that serve God and can somehow incorporate God into their job, family, children, they get up every day and go to work, all that kind of stuff.

**0:06:56** – (Steve Gray): So I wanted to start on that level this time in our second podcast together of you went to the full time ministry because you had this desire for God, right? But even if you hadn’t done that in the ministry you still had a desire for God. Jill had a desire and how do you think that affected the decisions outside of ministry? A dad marriage, you got to be a dad. You still got to be married, you got to be a husband while doing the ministry. So let’s talk about that side a little bit. What do you advice or ideas financially, home, business?

**0:07:33** – (Frank Seamster): Yeah, well it’s amazing how God will take the same way. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful wife like you have been blessed with a wonderful wife, Kathy and you have these kids and all these grandkids. Now it’s a different role but it’s still ministry. Everything good point is everything is all about ministry. It is still ministry whether you’re in.

**0:08:03** – (Steve Gray): The pulpit or not.

**0:08:04** – (Frank Seamster): Hey listen, the greatest ministry is not in the pulpit.

**0:08:08** – (Steve Gray): Listen to us guys, we know this.

**0:08:10** – (Frank Seamster): Paul called it the foolishness of preaching. Yeah, right. And I say this from the that is that is not the greatest ministry. A lot of times where I feel the best at, where I feel I am being most used at is outside of the pool pad. When I run across someone yesterday yesterday I was out jogging and walking a little bit, and this guy came by in his pickup. And I knew the guy. I hadn’t talked to him before, but I knew he was in the early stages of dementia.

**0:08:52** – (Frank Seamster): Anyway, he stopped and he rolled his window down, and I said to him, I said, Danny, I said, hey, I just want you to know I’m praying for you. I’m praying for God. And I finished. I prayed with him, and it was like when he pulled off and I started walking, it was like even feeling more better than if I would have preached my best message in the pool pit, because I’m touching him. I’m touching his life. And that really is the greatest ministry of all, is your ministry to your family, whether it’s your children, whether it’s to your wife.

**0:09:31** – (Frank Seamster): And it’s amazing how God will just open that door every day for you in some way, shape or form to touch somebody. One of the neat little things I found out, even at the grocery store, you’re going through the grocery store, going through the line, and someone says, well, hey, how are you doing, man? What an awesome opportunity it is to minister if you don’t do anything but say, oh, I’m doing great because this is the day that the Lord has made.

**0:10:01** – (Frank Seamster): I just encourage you. You don’t have to be behind the pulpit, but wherever you’re at with your family, you husbands, you wives, you minister to one another, you minister to your children, be that example that God has called you to be. That is real ministry. I consider that more important than I do in the pool pit. Yeah.

**0:10:27** – (Steve Gray): And you know, I do too. And you’ve known me for I don’t know how many years now. So you’ve watched us from 1985. Yeah, when we started a church, started in ministry, got our family going, you know, my kids, now my grandkids, and, you know, my whole family. And I don’t think I try to tell people this, and you can testify, too. We’re going to be with them after we get done with this. We’re going to be with my whole family again. Go be together with Frank and Naftali and enjoy time together.

**0:10:56** – (Steve Gray): But when you see them, not everybody gets to have the closeness. You can tell these kids who are church kids, they’re preachers kids. I’ve never had to drag them to church. But the love and caught me for a second. My eyes got a little water for a second. But the love and loyalty and outreach that they have back towards me is beyond words. And here I’ve been preaching to everybody else, but I’ve always made sure that, like you said, that they were my ministry, not just two, but first.

**0:11:38** – (Steve Gray): And it’s paid off. I plead with people, keep God in the center.

**0:11:43** – (Frank Seamster): Right.

**0:11:43** – (Steve Gray): Let Him minister through you to your family or to wherever, and God will keep your family together. And you’ll get to have the blessings for years and years rather than when you and I were growing up. When you’re 18, you leave home, go to school, leave home, forget it. And when we were growing up, our parents didn’t know where we were anyway. Even as kids, you’d leave and never come back until dinner time.

**0:12:07** – (Steve Gray): It’s different now. And our kids need us, and the kids need their grandparents. They need their parents more than ever. It’s another world. What do you see? It is maybe better.

**0:12:24** – (Frank Seamster): And I’m listening to you, and I know it to be true because we feel so close to your kids and your grandkids, really. I mean, I’m looking at my adopted son in law sitting right on the other side over there.

**0:12:41** – (Steve Gray): You got to be a part of putting him together by prophesying God’s. And I had my eye on him, but you got your eye on him first. Because I didn’t have it, not in character, but just I didn’t see it. And you saw it first, and that’s made all the difference. Now I got two wonderful grandbabies to hold on to in a little while.

**0:12:59** – (Frank Seamster): Because you saw that. To me, that’s your credentials. Some folk look at putting their credentials on their wall. I’ve been ordained, but that’s just a piece of paper. These are your credentials. That is the proof of your ministry. As I said, that’s your credentials. When you look at your kids, you look at your grandkids, and regardless of it may be yours, because, hey, we’ve been there. Maybe yours is not running after God like his are running after God right now. But I tell you what, you just keep that faith.

**0:13:49** – (Frank Seamster): You keep that faith and you keep speaking and you keep declaring, and you’ll be standing in church with them, and all of a sudden their hands will go up and they’ll be worshiping God. They’ll be magnifying god. Because if you plant that seed, if you plant that seed and that seed ever gets planted, and I can say that from my own experience, from our own son, who you are, his godfather, he often reminds me of that.

**0:14:16** – (Frank Seamster): He’s 33 years old now, he said. Well, his uncle still he’s still my godfather, right? Yeah.

**0:14:24** – (Steve Gray): I haven’t disowned him. But isn’t it true then what you’re saying, too? Okay, so maybe he’s not followed in your footsteps in ministry, but now he’s 33 years old. And I know this to be true because we had a little discussion about him on the phone not too week or so ago, but I find this to be true in mine also. If you stay with it and you plant those things in them, they get to be 30 years old and pretty well, even if they’re not in the ministry like you are. You’re hearing things out of their mouth, you said years ago, and they’re evaluating their life based on exactly the same things that we did. They just don’t do it. They don’t preach in the pulpit or they don’t maybe serve like we do, but it starts coming out of them. Right.

**0:15:07** – (Frank Seamster): It’s funny. He kept for the last two or three weeks when we would get together, he said, dad, he said, Listen. He said, Why don’t you let Mama stay home? And I’ll go, we did this summer, we’ll kick off Kansas City and I’ll go with it. I said, Son, I said, Wait a minute, Mama. Preachers. Well, I can preach, too.

**0:15:27** – (Steve Gray): There you go. You and I know both, though summit is a little bit slower, but we know what’s in him. He’s got great heart, and that’s where it takes anyway, the great heart.

**0:15:38** – (Frank Seamster): And he’s got a great heart.

**0:15:39** – (Steve Gray): I know he does.

**0:15:40** – (Frank Seamster): I stood with him in church Sunday without any without anything. And he’s got his worship. He’s got his hands raised and he’s worshiping God.

**0:15:48** – (Steve Gray): We’ve been talking about him coming here, didn’t we?

**0:15:53** – (Frank Seamster): Well, his kind of regret is he didn’t stay a long time ago.

**0:15:56** – (Steve Gray): Yeah, I can find him a job here, but those are the rewarding things, bigger than anything else. You and I know, especially you. You grew up in more religion and churchy and things. I did so much. I attended nominal churches more. But, you know, that I got after I went in the ministry, I had that attitude of when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing it’ll be. And, okay, I get it, but it insinuates a little bit.

**0:16:32** – (Steve Gray): It’s a reminder, like it’s going to be good then. It’s not so good now. And I think some of those songs, I think, were written during the Depression, and it wasn’t so good. Right. But you can have a lot of rejoicing now. And I know religion will tell you when we all get to heaven, just get to heaven. If you were to die today, will you get to heaven? And I used to tell you, probably heard me say it, that they’d come when I wasn’t even a Christian. And they’d say, if you were to die today, do you know you’d have a home in heaven? You know, I tricked him on that. And I said, listen, I don’t plan on dying today.

**0:17:04** – (Steve Gray): What if I don’t die? What do you got for me? And nothing, really. Nothing. Because it was all future.

**0:17:10** – (Frank Seamster): It’s all in.

**0:17:10** – (Steve Gray): But it’s not, is it?

**0:17:12** – (Frank Seamster): No, it’s in the present.

**0:17:13** – (Steve Gray): It’s in the present.

**0:17:13** – (Frank Seamster): You can bring heaven the earth.

**0:17:15** – (Steve Gray): That’s the whole thing. Yeah, that’s the good news. Anyway. God will come to these. God comes down.

**0:17:20** – (Frank Seamster): Yes, he will. Yes, he will. You don’t have to wait for heaven. You can experience it now because it’s Jesus. And you can literally bring heaven down now and have the joy and have the life and have the blessings and have the goodness. I don’t need all of that when I get there. I need it now.

**0:17:47** – (Steve Gray): Exactly. And people forget that, and they think religion takes something away, or maybe it does. Maybe it’s not Bible based. The Bible, it’s so full of life, and they can just get that. And there are battles that people are going through right now every day that seem hopeless once in a while. Once in a while, we don’t win every battle. And in the ministry, we want everybody to win, everybody be healthy, everybody to have plenty of money.

**0:18:18** – (Steve Gray): And sometimes it just doesn’t work out as hopeful as we want it to be. But I would say maybe you would, too. I would say most of the time it has there’s been a few circumstances that were just out of control. Marriages, you just couldn’t get just couldn’t get them squared away. But you know what? If they follow and open their heart, soften their heart, most of the time, it’s going to be victory, success in life. I’m not saying success in the corporate world, whatever, but it could be there, too. Yeah, most of the time I found that most people win, but there’s, you know, it is a battle that Jesus said, you know, there’s tribulation, tribulation trouble, and it’s everywhere, everywhere. And actually, let’s back up.

**0:19:04** – (Steve Gray): Let’s go there for a second, because I wanted to go there anyway. All right, so sometimes we look at what we see and we see trouble, too. We see people struggling financially or struggling physically. They got a disease, they got a bad diagnosis. That happens. But what I see at least, and I think you do, in the way we work with people in the church world, in the gospel world, in the Jesus world, it’s nothing compared to what’s out in the world and the trouble that they’re in as far as relationships, marriage, children.

**0:19:42** – (Steve Gray): I don’t even know where I’d start if I didn’t have children that were close to me.

**0:19:48** – (Frank Seamster): Right.

**0:19:49** – (Steve Gray): Because they are so indoctrinated way, way beyond, I think, our imagination of the way they think.

**0:19:56** – (Frank Seamster): Right.

**0:19:56** – (Steve Gray): What do you see? I mean, what do we tell people? We’re talking about life and faith and the greatness of God, but you could get a pessimistic, fearful attitude, and there’s reasons maybe what’s going on.

**0:20:09** – (Frank Seamster): You think, well, and of course, that’s the work of the enemy. He constantly someone said, Where’s the battlefield? The battlefield is right between the two ears. He’s always going to come down that road to get your mind to put negative thoughts in your mind, to put negative things in your mind. And you have to become, even as a believer, you have to become skillful. You have to become skillful knowing how.

**0:20:46** – (Frank Seamster): And I have found he always comes the same way. Yeah, he always comes the same way.

**0:20:52** – (Steve Gray): The devil doesn’t know any new tricks.

**0:20:54** – (Frank Seamster): No, but he sure is good at his old one. He’s good as it all as his old ones. And you have to recognize that. And you have to become skillful with your faith. Just talking about faith alive, really, that’s where it’s at. It’s that life of faith, living that life of faith, regardless of what the circumstances are, regardless of what the situation is or how it looks, what’s going on in our world, what’s going on in our nation, what’s going on in the economy.

**0:21:32** – (Frank Seamster): I’m telling you, without faith, it is impossible to please God.

**0:21:37** – (Steve Gray): Right? You know that scripture, I was just thinking about it, that talks about having our census trained. That’s N-I-V one, I don’t know what the King James, but anyway, I think it is maybe it is the King James version. I can’t remember having our senses, which would be eyes, ears and all that stuff, mouth, what we hear, what we see. Senses trained to know and discern the difference between good and evil.

**0:22:06** – (Steve Gray): It’s kind of the end of a scripture, so I’m getting kind of the end of that verse. But think of that. That’s what we’re trying to do. We’re not just trying to be preachers like we said and get people to heaven. We’re trying to talk to people about getting their senses trained. Because if you can know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong in what’s in the world you can make, say yes to that, no to that. That’s not good. This is good. And you can keep it clean, you can keep it prosperous, you can keep it healthy.

**0:22:33** – (Steve Gray): But so many people today, they’re so untrained. They listen to everything, they fall for everything. They’re upset and angry at everybody. They don’t even know who to be mad at.

**0:22:45** – (Frank Seamster): As you say, the senses are not trained. And there’s another great verse, too, that kind of along that same line where it says exercise thyself unto Godliness. Godlike. Someone says what’s? Godliness. Godlike just to be like God. And it says exercise. Actually, that word comes from the word gymnasium. That’s where we get the word gym from. Go to the gym.

**0:23:11** – (Steve Gray): That gives you the picture right there. Time to go to the spiritual gym. Time to go and emotional. Spiritual.

**0:23:17** – (Frank Seamster): Yeah. And when I go to the gym sometimes, especially if I got something bulky on, I got something heavy on, I’ll take that sweatshirt off and just have just a little thin shirt on. Why? So I don’t have my movement restricted, so I can move in. Same thing spiritually. Same thing spiritually. We have to make sure that we exercise and that we don’t allow anything to restrict our movement when it comes to the things of God.

**0:23:52** – (Steve Gray): I’ve been studying over and over, actually the first chapter of Romans, which is powerful and it’s a little out there for some the novice reader to just start and get grasp all that. But one of the things that I’m believing is that Paul is writing to the Romans and saying this is simplicity, simple side. Everybody knows god. Everybody knows about God. Everybody knows it’s, right? Everybody knows. So basically saying we’re without excuse, I’ve been stretching it by saying, nobody can now say I didn’t know or I don’t know. So I tried to tell our church, take that out of your take out. I don’t know.

**0:24:33** – (Steve Gray): Say, Well, I hear you’re having marriage troubles. What do you think the problem is? I don’t know. You do know.

**0:24:42** – (Frank Seamster): Right.

**0:24:42** – (Steve Gray): You do know. And so no matter who’s trying to influence them, like, don’t serve God. Serve yourself. Be selfish. You got to have some me time, all those kind of things. Everybody that’s telling you that stuff knows God, right? They just don’t know God because it says their selfish wickedness, which just they don’t care, pushes down the truth I’m paraphrasing pushes down the truth that they know. So everybody listening right there.

**0:25:13** – (Steve Gray): You know God, and you know what’s?

**0:25:15** – (Frank Seamster): Right?

**0:25:15** – (Steve Gray): And you can do this. Just don’t listen to those people that have pushed it down so far that they don’t even know there is a God anymore, maybe or whatever. They just pushed it down, and instead, like, cranking that jack in the box bing, let it spring up. Oh, well, right.

**0:25:32** – (Frank Seamster): And the bottom line, the Romans, chapter one, they didn’t glorify God.

**0:25:36** – (Steve Gray): Yeah, exactly. That’s part of that they could have.

**0:25:38** – (Frank Seamster): They could have oh, yeah, they could have glorified God, but they didn’t. They didn’t give God praise. They didn’t give God thanks.

**0:25:45** – (Steve Gray): And they liked the created things rather than the creator of things.

**0:25:50** – (Frank Seamster): Fail more in love with those things.

**0:25:52** – (Steve Gray): How easy is that, Frank, to just switch to loving the Creator, not saying you can’t have things? The Bible says he knows you need all these things. And this has none to do with not having things. It’s loving the Creator.

**0:26:07** – (Frank Seamster): Of loving the Creator. That kind of goes back to that story over in the Book of Chronicles. That had to do when remember when the Philistines had taken the ark and had stole the ark, and anyway, it finally ended up in the house of Obed Edom. You remember that? And all he did it talks about the 90 days of blessings, and all he did was open up his house. Yeah, that’s all he did, was just open up his house. And this is interesting.

**0:26:39** – (Frank Seamster): This is something that I didn’t realize until just a few weeks ago, and I’ve preached this thing so many different.

**0:26:45** – (Steve Gray): We’Re still learning our yeah, I am still learning.

**0:26:49** – (Frank Seamster): It says Obed Edom. The Gettite. The Gettite.

**0:26:54** – (Steve Gray): Yeah.

**0:26:54** – (Frank Seamster): Which was from Gath, which was the home of Goliath.

**0:26:58** – (Steve Gray): Goliath.

**0:26:58** – (Frank Seamster): Yeah, his bunch here’s the most religious relic thing of all of Israel in the house of a Gentile.

**0:27:06** – (Steve Gray): And that’s like, what, with lessons of God. Yeah. Which, if they don’t understand exactly what we mean, is the Gentiles at that time were all pagans and not accepted if you were Jewish. Okay.

**0:27:20** – (Frank Seamster): Right.

**0:27:20** – (Steve Gray): And here God bless somebody that’s way out there. You could be way out there. Way out there. God will never choose you. I know. My family and friends, I had them. They said, God will never choose you. But he did. And he did. We want that. So much for you. To the point where we can sound like salesmen, almost. Because we just want it for you, right? We want to protect you or save your life. We want you to become a life saver too, for your children and your family.

**0:27:48** – (Steve Gray): It’s the best life you can have. And it’s a protected life. It’s a prosperous life. So don’t listen to all the voices that have shoved down God to where they’re saying stuff that just foolishness about God. We’re telling you the truth. That great life, the life of faith and enjoyment. The best life you can have is for you. Last time, Frank, I mentioned, and I’m going to mention it again, it’s just a small book. And by the way, I’m finishing a book, and I want to write another R1 quick. I’m so behind in it.

**0:28:19** – (Steve Gray): I want you to get this one before the other ones come out. And My Absurd Religion was a title that maybe you don’t realize. It was put in bookstores. I don’t know if I ever told you the story. So it was put in all the bookstores that, you know, just name a bookstore, Christian bookstore, but they put it in there without reading it. And so they said the preachers were coming in saying, what is this book in here?

**0:28:40** – (Steve Gray): Because it says my absurd religion by which I make my living. So I’m still doing it, but I’m exposing so much. They said, we don’t know what to do. There’s a rival. I said, Just send them back. I never wanted in your bookstore anyway. So I took them all back, but I got thrown out of the bookstore, so to speak. So you need to find out what would upset the insider so much that you need to know. My Absurd Religion, it’s an ebook, along with the study guide that you can get. Follow directions that you get on this screen and what you’re hearing and what the announcers say, and get this book so you can graduate to another book.

**0:29:15** – (Steve Gray): You just find out what I’ve been saying these years about what’s going on in religion so you can figure it out. You won’t be disappointed, you won’t be surprised. And then you can move on to something greater than God has for you. So My Absurd Religion, which we still make our living, we’re still at it. Well, so glad you could be here with us for more faith, more life. Frank, it’s been great having you. We did two podcasts and a lot of fun. I hope it’s been helpful to the people. Until next time.

**0:29:40** – (Steve Gray): Bye bye.