Are you tired of feeling stuck in life and ready to make a change? Listen in as I share my personal journey of going from an insignificant country preacher to an international speaker and filmmaker. Discover how adopting a producer mindset and changing your thoughts can lead to positive results in all aspects of your life. From relationships to finance, I’ll provide practical tools based on real life experiences that you can put into action to redefine your faith and, ultimately, your life.


In this episode, we explore the importance of thinking like a producer instead of a consumer and how changing what you sow can transform your life. Learn how to reframe your thinking, stop complaining and start producing results in your life. It’s time to be and experience more – don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling and successful life through faith.


Where to dive in:

0:01:48     Power of Proven Results: How I Went From Obscurity to International Recognition

0:03:42     Exploring the Mindset of a Producer

0:05:11     Conversation on Producing and Thinking Right

0:06:41     The Power of Thinking Like a Producer: How to Overcome Entitlement Mentality

0:08:51     Reaping What You Sow

0:10:40     Sowing Respect: How to Change a Bickering Marriage

0:12:44     Producing vs. Entitlement: A Conversation on Romance and Faith

0:16:33     The Benefits of Becoming a Producer

0:18:01     Renewing Your Mind Through Positive Thinking





About the host: 

Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church  KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and  was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, and My Absurd Religion.


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