Embracing Unity in Faith
Spiritual warfare is often understood on an individual level, but Ephesians 6:12 reveals it's "for our struggle"—a collective battle. We're stronger together against the dark powers.
Spiritual warfare is often understood on an individual level, but Ephesians 6:12 reveals it's "for our struggle"—a collective battle. We're stronger together against the dark powers.
Gideon faced incredible odds with just 300 men. Are you ready to redefine your faith and embrace a new purpose?
Discover why focusing on spiritual growth rather than just inspirational talks can lead to a real change in our communities and nation.
What's holding you back is not who you are, but what you are not. Embrace the power of change and unlock your full potential.
Is the concept of wives submitting to their husbands outdated or still relevant today?
Parenting is about love, training, and setting examples. We are called to lead and make decisions based on God's principles, and it's very important to set a godly example for our children. By prioritizing their well-being and instilling values, we can save their minds and help them thrive.
Grief is a natural response to loss, but it's important to handle it correctly. When you experience sudden, permanent loss, it can leave you in a state of shock and unbelief. It's crucial to give yourself permission to grieve, but also draw a line to prevent it from consuming you.
Just like in the days of Noah, when people were clueless about the impending flood, we too can be clueless about the dangers that lie ahead. But we have the opportunity to change our course and avoid disaster. If You Only Knew will show you how to be prepared and save yourself and your family
Religion should not just focus on sin consciousness and forgiveness. We need to go beyond that and learn how to live in the kingdom of God, how to pay our bills, stay healthy, and experience the blessings of God. The key message of "If You Only Knew" is that we need to stop being clueless and start taking God seriously. We must recognize that we were created to be more than just humans with emotions and bodies. We are spiritual beings, and we need to feed our spirits.
Starting over doesn't mean giving up, it means moving forward. Sometimes it means leaving behind comfort and security in exchange for incredible breakthroughs and success. Even when you don't know what the future holds, trust God and take the leap.